
Potosi, Colombia

¥2,300 税込

なら 手数料無料で 月々¥760から




生産国 / コロンビア
地域 / ヴァレ デル カウカ
農園 / ポトシ農園
品種 / シドラ 
標高 / 1400-1860m 
精製方法 / ウォッシュド

Cafe Granja is a well-known farm whose name is frequently heard at both the World Barista Championship and the World Brewery Championship. It may be no exaggeration to say that it is a household name in the coffee industry; Dawn Chang from Hong Kong was a finalist at the World Barista Championship in 2015, and Kex Wenneker from the Netherlands was a finalist in 2018 with beans from here. finalist at the World Barista Championship in 2015.

The Potosi farm in the Valle del Cauca region grows only Sidra varieties. Sidra has a short history and was created as a cross between Red Bourbon and Tipika. It is characterized by its strong sweetness and crisp acidity. It is a coffee to keep an eye on, given its high reputation at competitions and fairs.

Potosi Estate: This 11-hectare estate is located in the Colombian administrative district of Caicedonia, at 1400-1860 meters above sea level. The Sidra coffee cherries are handpicked by professionals, one by one, and then aged for 48 hours in tanks with air circulation.

Sidra is a hybrid of Ethiopian origin. The Sidra variety was developed by Nestlé at a test farm in the Pichincha area.

Region_ Valle del Cauca
Altitude_1400-1860 masl
Roasting_Filter Sweetness_4 Acidity_4 Flavor_4 Body_4
Tasting notes : Green Apple, Ginger, Orange blossom

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¥2,300 税込
