
Black Diamond 2023_100g

¥3,000 税込





今回はSL-28 。ケニアの品種です。非常に旨味の強い品種なのですが、これとブラックダイヤモンド製法が完璧に噛み合っています。







 収穫中: フランシスカはチェリーのBrixを測定して最適な熟度を判断し、Brixが約22度を示すと収穫を開始します。








-ブラックハニー : コーヒーは一日に一度だけ攪拌する。




原産国 / コスタリカ

地域 / サバニージャ・アラフエラ

農園 / ラス・ラハス

品種 / ビジャサルチ

標高 / 1450m

精製方法 / ブラックダイヤモンド

テイスティングノート / 苺、ハイビスカス、ドライフィグ、ブラックベリー、シナモン

Harvesting and processing are overseen with great care by both Oscar and Francisca.

 During the harvest: Francisca measures the Brix of the cherry to determine the optimal ripeness and picking will begin when the Brix reads about 22°. 

 Harvesting by Brix reading is also helpful as newer varieties sometimes ripen to different colors.

 Using the refractometer helps keep the harvest at uniform ripeness, which is key when producing high-quality Naturals and Honeys.

 The Chacons produce several different types of Honeys and Naturals : For their Honeys, 100% of the mucilage is left on the coffee, and the coffee is dried in different ways. Oscar believes that just as the roast profile will change the flavor of a coffee, the drying curve also has an impact. He wants the drying to happen slowly, which means that production is necessarily limited. "Every day I wake up I learn something new,” Oscar says about his study of the drying process.

The Chacons determine which process to use based on the weather on the day the coffee is harvested, as well as the desired profile.

・Yellow Honey : Coffee is turned hourly on raised beds.

・Red Honey : Coffee is turned several times a day on the beds, but not as frequently as for yellow honey.

・Black Honey : The coffee is only turned once per day.

・Perla Negra : Dries directly in the sun for 10 days, rotating constantly, then is transferred to bags and left for 2–3 days before being moved to raised beds. 

・Alma Negra : Drying starts on the patio, then coffee is piled overnight and spread out in the sun during the day.

The Chacons have also introduced two "Diamond" processes (Yellow and Black) that are variations on their Honey techniques, taking a longer time and requiring more attention. The seeds' temperature is checked regularly to make sure that it remains steady and doesn't rise unexpectedly or suddenly.

Origin_Costa Rica

Region_Sabanilla de Alajuela, Central Valley

Farm_Las Lajas, inca San Luis by Oscar Chacon


Altitude_1700 masl

Proc. Method_Black Diamond

Roasting_Filter Sweetness_5 Acidity_3 Flavor_5 Body_5

Tasting notes: Hibiscus,Dried Fig, Black Berry, Cinnamon

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¥3,000 税込
