Luciano Delpupo _100g
¥1,300 税込
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生産国 / ブラジル
地域 / アフォンソ・クラウディオ・エスピリトサント
農園 / シティオ・ブラガ
品種 / カトゥカイ785
標高 / 1000-1200m
精製方法 / ハニー
Luciano del Pupo grew up on a neighboring farm as a production partner with his father, who was a coffee grower in the Vilapontañez area. As an adult, Luciano married Josain Lietig Braga and became the manager of the farm she inherited from her family. The name of the farm was given to Sitio Braga, the family name of Josain's father. There was already one hectare of coffee on the property, but Luciano began to experiment with passion, planting new varieties, trying new techniques, and constantly pursuing productivity and quality. Luciano purchased a desprvador to begin processing pulped natural coffee and invested in equipment for a covered drying patio and African beds. However, the high cost of running the plantation and limited manpower made these a challenge to achieve. The family's main income comes from coffee, and today their coffee is recognized in local and state-level competitions. Luciano is always looking for new markets to continue the work his family started and to leave his daughters with the tools to carry on the farm's legacy. Currently, 7 of the 15 hectares of Sitio Braga are planted to coffee in the Corrego Liberdade, an area between 850 and 1200 meters above sea level.
Catucai785...This variety is the result of a natural cross between Catucai and Ikatu 785, which was identified in the Zona da Mata area of Minas Gerais in the 1980s. It is said to be the variety most suited to the Espirito Santo area.
<Buyer Comments>
Luciano's farm is planted on a slope that makes the coffee look as if it were in Colombia, and of course, since it cannot be harvested by machine, the cherries are picked 100% by hand by two employees and the entire family. This lot has flavors that are not found in conventional Brazilian coffee, making it an interesting lot. This is one of the farmers we would like to continue to purchase from every year.
Region_Afonso Claudio.EspiritoSanto
Farm_Sitio Braga
Altitude_1000-1200 masl
Roasting_Filter Sweetness_4 Acidity_4 Flavor_5 Body_3
Tasting notes: Cranberry, Orange, Jasmine
¥1,300 税込