
Marciano Tomazini_ 100g

¥2,300 税込

なら 手数料無料で 月々¥760から









生産国 / ブラジル

地域 / エスピリトサント、カステッロ、バテイア

農園 / コレゴ・ダ・プラタ

品種 / カツカイ 785

標高 / 1100m

精製方法 / パルプドナチュラル

テイスティングノート / 黄桃、洋梨、緑茶、花

Marciano and his family have been producing coffee for more than 25 years, but it is only in the last five years that everything has changed.

Once the family handled large quantities of coffee and thought that simply pulping the pulp would already produce a special coffee, but over time they realized that there was more to it than that. When the brothers began to share the land, Marciano had a smaller percentage of land, and because of this, he and his wife Josiane decided that it was time to devote more time to coffee and improve the quality. So, starting in 2006, they focused on specialty coffee production, made a plan, purchased seedlings of the coffee variety Catucai 785 to start a new plantation, bought a new pulping machine, and invested in better management of the plantation. With these investments, today we are getting excellent results in specialty coffee production and achieving good results in regional competitions.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd 5th place in the Castelo City Competition 1st,2nd, and 3rd place, respectively

2nd place in the Late Harvest Competition

Creating a special coffee is not an easy task, as it requires knowledge, time, patience, family and hard work. Marciano and his family are passionate about their profession, and the result could not be better.

<Buyer Comments>

Mr. Marciano's coffee is the same as last year. This year, I was worried that I could not visit him due to the landslide, but I was shocked by the last offered sample and this lot was the lot. It was a complex and fruity lot that did not seem Brazilian anymore, and it was a lot that changed the concept of Brazil. My sincere thanks to Mr. Marciano who gives us such a surprise every year.


Region_ Bateia,Castelo, EspiritoSanto

Farm_Corrego Da Prata


Altitude_1100 masl

Proc._Palped Natural

Roasting_Filter Sweetness_5 Acidity_3 Flavor_5 Body_4

Tasting notes : Yellow peach, pear, green tea, flower

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¥2,300 税込
