Hacienda San Isidro Labrador_ 60g
¥3,200 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥1,060から
生産国 / コスタリカ
地域 /タラス、ロス サントス
農園 /ジョエル・モンへ・ナランホ
品種 /ゲイシャ
標高 /1800-2100m
精製方法 /ハニー
テイスティングノート /ランブータンを口に含んだような芳醇な果実感
The changing climate began to affect Joel's farm, and after seeing the success his neighbors were having with coffee, he decided to try planting Catuai and Costa Rica 95 varieties in 2010. To their surprise, the seedlings began to grow well in this climate, and the family began to think that a little return to coffee would be a good thing. At the same time, they had heard that new varieties were coming on the scene, especially the Panamanian Geisha, which was growing unusually well. Joel felt he had to get this coffee and try it. He used to hate drinking coffee, but found that Geisha reacted differently. He used to get stomach aches when he drank coffee, but the Geisha did not affect his body in the same way and tasted much better. Joel became obsessed with coffee, especially Geisha, and traveled to Panama to collect seeds for his own Dota plantation.
Joel and his son Matias, who was studying mechanical engineering at the time, began planting thousands of Geisha and Tipica trees on their plantations in Copey and Quebradillas de Dota in 2012. As they planted, nurtured, and cared for the plantations, they realized that it really didn't make sense to sell the fruit. Because they had to process the fruit themselves. The production of these varieties is very low, the price of the fruit is low, and quality and traceability can be lost when selling the fruit. In the meantime, Matthias saw many families in the community growing and processing fruit in their own wet mills. He then founded Acienda San Isidro Labrador during the first harvest of newly planted coffee in 2014/2015.
Quebradillas is a 3-hectare lot located at 1900 meters, the highest point in the Dota Valley, where the climate has perfect conditions to produce the best coffee. The estate is a multiple-time winner of the Cup of Excellence.
Origin_Costa Rica
Region_ Los Santos, Tarrazu
Farm_Johel Monge Naranjo (Hacienda San Isidro Labrador)
Altitude_1800-2100 masl
Roasting_Filter Sweetness_5 Acidity_4 Flavor_5 Body_4
Tasting notes : Apple, Herbal, Rambutan
¥3,200 税込