Finca Manzanal -Don Eli-_ 100g
¥1,500 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥500から
生産国 / コスタリカ
地域 / タラス、ロス サントス
農園 / マンザナル農園
品種 / カツアイ
標高 / 1600-1700m
精製方法 / ハニー
テイスティングノート/ 洋梨のオートミール
The Montero family is known as visionaries, pioneers, and game changers in the micro-milling revolution in Taraz, Costa Rica. Carlos Montero has been growing coffee since he was a child and comes from a long line of farmers. With a vision to process their coffee cherries and engage more directly with consumers, he founded Don Eli, named after his father, in 2014. Carlos played an important role in encouraging many other coffee growers in the Taraz region to do the same and build relationships with roasters. Jacob has been responsible for the wet milling and honing his passion for the coffee process. He is constantly improving his craft, improving quality, and strengthening direct relationships. <Finca Manzanar> Exclusive lot from Don Eli Micromill and family. The Montero family's plantation in La Pastora Mountain has brought them the recognition they deserve in the specialty coffee field. This is due to the high elevation, fertile soil, and unique microclimates with cool temperatures and soft sunlight. The plantation is called “Manzanar” (apple plantation) because Carlos used to grow apples here with great success. However, a root disease decimated the apple plantation, and Carlos decided to plant coffee to make it easier to sell the land in the future. The plantation was terraced for the apple trees, so the terraces were larger, giving the coffee trees more room to grow. This further improved the quality of this particular lot. When the family started wet milling, they experimented with processing coffee from this plantation with excellent results and new success in specialty coffees.
Origin_Costa Rica
Region_ Los Santos, Tarrazu
Farm_Carlos Montero (Finca Manzanal)
Altitude_1600-1700 masl
Tasting notes : orange, lychee, grape, tea-like,rich-flavor, thick-body
¥1,500 税込