Stefano Um_ 60g
¥3,000 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥1,000から
Um Coffeeは、ブラジルで2度のチャンピオンに輝き、2023年の世界大会で優勝したボラム・ウム氏が設立した会社です。
その後、コーヒーは暗室に移され、温度18 度、湿度45~50% で45日間乾燥されます。
生産国 / ブラジル
地域 /南ミナス
農園 / ウム農園
品種 /ピンクブルボン
標高 / 1000-1200m
精製方法 / ダークルームナチュラル
テイスティングノート / プーアル茶、白桃、ハーブ
Um Coffee was founded by Boram Um, a two-time Brazilian champion and winner of the 2023 World Championship. The family's coffee history with Korean status began in 2007 when his father, Stefano Um, decided to buy a farm in Sul de Minas, located in rural Brazil, to produce specialty coffee. Realizing that the specialty coffee market was expanding domestically as well as internationally, they began opening a coffee shop, their own roasting plant, and a coffee school. The coffee shop offers not only coffee from their own plantations, but also from other areas of Brazil. Fazenda Um has an area dedicated to researching not only traditional Brazilian varieties, but also exotic varieties and different fermentation and drying processes. The reason for this is that through diverse tests, we know that unexpected results can be obtained in the cup. Currently, our total production is 1,500 bags, harvested by hand and dried 100% in the sun.
<Darkroom Process> The darkroom process begins with anaerobic fermentation under specific temperature conditions of 24-27°C in tanks soaked in water. From there, the coffee is placed on an African bed and exposed to 50% sunlight for 3 days to remove the initial moisture. The coffee is then transferred to a dark room where it is dried for 45 days at a temperature of 18°C and 45-50% humidity. This room essentially serves as a controlled environment to regulate temperature and humidity. The coffee beans are dried on African beds located in this room, and the beans are stirred every two hours. There is no light in the room during this process. The total drying time in the darkroom is 30-40 days. This process was inspired by a producer in Panama.
This lot is the new crop of the lot that World Barista Champion Boram used for his competition last year. This lot is dried with a lot of time and effort, and produces a unique flavor that cannot be obtained with normal drying.
Region_ Sur de Minas
Farm_Fazenda UM
Variety_Pink Bourbon
Altitude_1000-1200 masl
Proc._Palped Natural
Roasting_Filter Sweetness_5 Acidity_3 Flavor_5 Body_4
Tasting notes : Puerh tea, White peach, Herbal
¥3,000 税込