
Finca el Roble_100g

¥1,300 税込








品種: パライネマ種:パライネマ種はホンジュラス産のハイブリッド品種で、さび病や線虫に強いのが特徴。中程度の標高での栽培に適しており、高い収量が特徴です。ホンジュラスコーヒー研究所(IHCAFE)は、サティモールの2品種を選抜交配し、パライネマ種を作出しました。主な目的は、品質を維持しながらコーヒーさび病に対する耐性を高めることでした。

原産国 / ホンジュラス

地域 / サンタ・バルバラ

農園 / ロブレ農園

品種 / パライネマ

標高 / 1450m

精製方法 / フリーウォッシュド

テイスティングノート / ライム、青リンゴ、グリーンハーブ

I come from a coffee farming family and my father had a very nice farm.

It was a difficult place to access. But we went to work with him every day and he taught us the importance of working. When I turned 15, I inherited part of his farm (1 hectare) and for a few years, with his help, I worked as a co-farmer. I continued to work on the equipment, but when the charcoal was destroyed by a pest, I had to leave the farm and stopped working on the farm. I had to leave the farm and quit farming. Nine years ago, I started working in a factory processing specialty coffee in San Vicente.

Alto Ichiru suggested that I plant on this land because it had the potential to produce high quality coffee. So 6 years ago I planted the first part of my farm with Palainema coffee, and 3 years ago with the help of my brothers we started preparing the first micro-lots of coffee. Access to the farm is very complicated, and on rainy days it is impossible to get vehicles to pick up the coffee or to transport materials to the farm. Flush: Elias and his brothers and his family process their coffee using a flush mill.

The cherries are depulped the same day they are harvested and placed in concrete tanks for 18-24 hours of dry fermentation. Water is then added and washed with wooden paddles, during which time the water is changed four times. It is then pre-dried on a plastic sheet on the ground for 4 to 6 hours, then transferred to an African bed to dry for 8 to 12 days.

Pallainema variety: Pallainema is a hybrid coffee variety from Honduras that is resistant to coffee rust and some nematodes. It is suitable for cultivation at medium altitudes and is characterized by high coffee yields. The Honduran Coffee Research Institute (IHCAFE) selectively bred two members of the Satimor variety to create the Palainema variety. The main objective was to increase resistance to coffee rust while maintaining quality.


Region_ Santa Barbara

Farm_El Roble


Altitude_1450 masl

Proc._Fully Washed

Roasting_Filter Sweetness_4 Acidity_3 Flavor_4 Body_3

Tasting notes: Lime, Green Apple, Green Harb

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¥1,300 税込
